Microsoft Windows 10 6in1 AIO English Full Updated 8/5/15 Preactivated 2015( Size : 5.35 GB )
Notice 1:Updates Integrated:KB3074683(138MB) And KB3081424 (313MB) Thats Why the iso have that Size The Other 2 Updated Installed Automatically so no worrys
Notice 2:If you defender see malware or something just for you know is kmspico is 100% trusted and Works …Defender find like malware or virus cauze they didn’t know the application
UAC:disable for kmspico should works without ask you ..if you want enabled go in control panel/action center/change settings and choose that you want
Compression:Install.wim to Install.esd
Activation:Kmspico (180 Days) (silent Activation First Login)
Last BuildLab:10240.th1.150729-1800
Last BuildLabEx:10240.16412.amd64fre.th1.150729-1800
Editions:Home x86-x64 /Pro x86-x64 / Enterprise x86-x64
Sources iso’s used for AIO:
Cauze i have make big mystake with my previous upload this time i fixed enterprise
and test it over 10 times i want apologize from my last torrents So i take alot more proof photos here: